Thursday, April 23, 2015

Food Additives that can Kill you.

Regardless of where we go, we eventually hear someone talking about the additives in the foods we eat.

I know, because I am often one of those people.
My wife and I try very hard to minimize our exposure to foods with unhealthy additives.
But honestly, we still purchase some items with additives that we know are at least questionable, if not known to be bad for our health.

I do try to keep up with what the latest news happens to be about what is GOOD and what is BAD in our foods, but the task is a hard one.

The link below is to a great article in one of my favorite web magazines that lists what they call the 15 Scariest Food Additives that are Killing You.

Its not a long article but it is very informative, and I suggest that everyone read it.

by Don Bobbitt, April, 2015

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